
Say Bye to Diebetes with DM Powder

DM Powder

(4 customer reviews)


Diabetes Mellitus

Reduces glycemic levels

Balances insulin resistance


Help naturally decrease the tingling sensations due to diabetes.


Helps reversal in DM and allied complications

101 in stock



DM powder is a special herbal formulation from Dharmayu which is helpful in diabetes mellitus i.e madhumeh. Its unique ingredients are combined together for a natural and effective remedy for balancing glycemic levels and lower diabetic complications.




Balances kapha and vata in the body because of its hot potency. Its leaves are anti-inflammatory in nature and work as analgesics too. Is digestive in nature. Stimulates liver, heart and uterus to work better. Is diuretic in nature Is indicated in madhumeha in ayurveda.



Balances pitta in the body as it is sweet, bitter and astringent in nature balances kapha in the body as it is pungent, bitter and astringent in nature, balances vata in the body as it is sweet and sour in nature and hence is tridosha shamak i.e balances all the three doshas. Have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Is digestive in nature. Helps balance appetite. Is a liver stimulant and activates the liver cells to function better.



Balances kapha in the body as it is astringent in nature and has non unctuousness and light qualities

Balances pitta as it is astringent and sweet in nature and balances vata as is hot in potency. Nourishes all the 7 main dhatus (7 main tissues or systems) in the body. Helps in better digestion, absorption and metabolism of the body. Helpful in polydipsia, nausea and vomiting issues. 



Balances vata as it is sour in nature, balances pitta as is cold in potency and sweet in nature, balances kapha as is astringent in quality and hence is a tridoshhara i.e balances all the three doshas. Is digestive and an appetiser in nature. Is a natural liver stimulant and helps it function better and its helping organs. Is a main rasayana in ayurveda helps in increasing and nourishing all the dhatus in the body. Helpful in wound healing



Balances kapha in the body with non unctuousness and astringent qualities, balances pitta in the body as it is astringent in quality and cold in potency. Is digestive in nature and balances appetite. Is a liver stimulant and helps control symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Helps lower blood glucose in the body thereby balancing insulin and decreasing insulin resistance. Helpful in controlling diarrhoea and bleeding disorders. Is mainly  indicated in madhumeh( DM).



Balances vata in the body as it is hot in potency and unctuous in quality. Helps strengthen nerves and acts as antiinflammatory and analgesic. Is digestive and an appetiser. Helps in increasing the general strength in the body. Regulates the absorption of carbohydrates and sugar and lower blood sugar levels in the body and decreases insulin resistivity.



Is a combination of three dravyas pippali, marich and shunthi. Balances kapha in the body. Is hot in potency and is also known as triushna. Improves digestion by improving the digestive fire and juices.Help balance cholesterol levels, burn fat and induce weight loss. Stimulates liver, pancreas and spleen for better function. Is indicated in skin issues.


1 teaspoonful(3 gm) in the morning (empty stomach) with fresh Amla juice or  Liver/ kidney kadha/ plain water (warm preferably) or as directed by a physician.


+91 93 060 44 939
Customer Care Manager
Dharamvir Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
125, Hansa Park, Derabassi

4 reviews for DM Powder

  1. Rohiet Jamwal

    One of my friend suggested me about DM Powder. I half hearted bought this product. But after 15 days I started feeling better, when I checked my fasting blood glucose, it was 95. Before this it ought to bhe more then 180. Its a must buy product for diabetic patients.

  2. prince

    Result is very good.

  3. yogita

    Works as expected, thanks!

  4. pankaj

    Highly effective, I’m satisfied.

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