Breathlessness or shortness of breath is medically known as DYSPNOEA (dis-ni-aa). When this comes as an impulse or paroxysms, it is called ASTHMA (Aas-ma).
Breathlessness is either related to Heart or to Lungs or both
If it is not related to above two it could be
1. Lack of fitness 2. Anemia 3. Obesity
If above three are not present then we should think of either Heart or Lungs involvement.
How to distinguish between breathlessness by Heart or Lungs:
If Lungs are involved it presents, generally, wheezing sound in chest and is often pacified by puffs.
Causes could be 1. Allergy 2. Chronic Bronchitis 3. Emphysema 4. Lungs infection 5. Pneumonia
If Heart is involved it generally presents with:

Chest pain (but not in 20-30% people)
Angina due to heart blockage.
It also presents breathlessness while lying down (which could also be in Bronchial Asthma).
Heart Damage (which causes lack of pumping efficiency of heart). Echocardiogram, TMT, CT angiography are generally done to establish it.

In this VATA and KAPHA humours (VATA-KAPHA Dosh) gets invitiated simultaneously.
Treatment is to balance the Vata and Kapha dosha by different approches of Ahar, Vihaar, Achar, Vichar (diet, daily and seasonal regimen, routines and patterns in life, aesthetic and ethical values).
Give diet and other regimens which do not cause increase in Vata and kapha.
Treatment in Ayurveda according to nature and strength of patient, illness and time of the day or season (Kaal).
Herbs which do following action are indicated in Asthma:
Act on seat of Prana (Lungs)/ Do dilation of bronchi/ bronchial tree
That are mucolytic and bring out kapha – the mal-kapha
Anti allergic
Immune supporters