Boost Power & Stamina

Super Forte Capsule





Erectile dysfunction

Premature ejaculations

9 in stock


Super Forte contains an important group of herbs, minerals, and safe metallic preparations  that are used to boost a person’s stamina and general health and act as a great aphrodisiac.


The purpose of combining these dravya is to stimulate reproductive health and focus on resolving the issues of mankind related to reproduction and general well being. 


Swarna Bhasma: Gold has been used from time immemorial to enhance strength, potency, wealth, intellect and memory. The revitalising properties in Swarna Bhasma promote longevity, lustre, complexion, vitality and combat the ageing process in humans. Another use of Swarna bhasma is in the treatment of various neurological and gastric conditions.


Abhrak Bhasma: Abhrak bhasma is an enlivening herbo-mineral preparation having rejuvenating properties that prevent ageing and promote long life. It boosts strength by nourishing tissues and intellect. Digestive impairment, Malabsorption, Bronchitis and Asthma are mediated by the use of Abhrak Bhasma. It also helps in enhancing the bioavailability of other ingredients.


Puran Chandrodaya Rasa: Chandrodaya rasa is an ayurvedic formulation having aphrodisiac properties used to increase libido,strength, stamina and virility. The rejuvenating quality in Chandrodaya ras provides optimum nourishment to all tissues, improves overall vitality, slows down ageing and enhances physical strength and intellect.


Shatavari: Shatavari is well-acclaimed as the ‘Universal Rasayana’ that is used largely as a wonderful nutritive tonic. The rejuvenating properties of Shatavari promote strength, overall health and stamina. It is extensively used in female fertility, to promote lactation, and as an aphrodisiac. Shatavari is a potent Immunomodulator that increases cellular vitality and resistance.


Ashwagandha: The curative drug Ashwagandha is revered as an aphrodisiac. It promotes strength, vitality, longevity and restores and revitalizes the healthy function in various body systems by acting as a rejuvenator. Ashwagandha enhances muscle bulk and is an adaptogen helping to promote stress resistance and energy throughout the day.


Musali: Musali helps in improving fertility and vitality in women and men. It also encourages health and longevity by increasing disease defences, stopping the ageing process, revitalizing the body under weakened circumstances and enhances strength.


Kapikacchu: Being an aphrodisiac, Kapikacchu has the ability to stimulate and regulate sexual functions, improving the quality and quantity of semen. Kapikacchu plays a significant role in increasing muscle mass as well as endurance and also helps the body to enhance muscular strength. It acts as a nervine tonic and Anti-inflammatory agent used in treating arthritis.


Shudh Shilajit: Because of its excellence, Shilajit is reckoned as a healing drug and a rejuvenator. As an antiaging compound it helps to increase longevity and arrest aging. It is said that there is no curable disease in the universe that is not cured by Shilajit. It is an excellent cognitive and memory enhancer and a powerful tonic.


Kesar: Saffron is a quintessential plant having numerous therapeutic properties. Each strand of saffron is imbibed with digestive aphrodisiac and rejuvenating qualities. The antioxidants in Kesar boost immunity and keep ailments at bay. It is also known to increase sexual vitality in both women and men. Saffron enhances the skin texture and imparts a glow to the skin. 


Praval Bhasma: Praval Bhasma is a natural source of rich calcium acquired from Coral and hence used for relieving metabolic bone disorders. The invigorating properties of Praval Bhasma improve skin, complexion, strength, vigour and vitality. It also aids digestion by acting as an appetizer and carminative. 


Lauha Bhasma: Lauha bhasma is one of the key constituents that improves appetite, enhances blood, complexion, lustre, longevity, vitality and promotes strength. It is an effective remedy for chronic fever, Phthisis, and breathlessness. used as a rejuvenator and aphrodisiac. 


Hingula Rasayana: Hingula is a good appetizer, rejuvenator and aphrodisiac and cures almost all types of diseases. It enhances body strength, memory, facial glow and the power of digestion


Vanga Bhasma: Vanga bhasma improves strength, body mass and provides nourishment to all tissues. Excellent results of Vanga bhasma are seen in genito-urinary disorders, Diabetes, Asthma and Gastric ulcers. Vanga bhasma serves as a tonic in General debility and weakness and destroys almost all types of diseases.


Swarna Makshika Bhasma: Swarna makshika bhasma is a highly potent therapeutic agent useful in Fever, Anaemia, Diabetes, Cold, Cough and Asthma, General weakness, Skin diseases and Insomnia. Additionally, it is also used to detoxify and purify blood. It is a highly potent rejuvenator that arrests the ageing process, promotes health, longevity and also acts as an aphrodisiac. 


Kukutanda twak:  Kukutanda twak occurs in its natural form as the outer covering of the hen’s eggshell. It is an excellent source of organic form of calcium and is used as one of the rejuvenators that slows the ageing process, enhances physical and mental strength.


Rajata Bhasma: Rajata bhasma is a well-known detoxifier, appetizer and useful in conditions like dry cough, Bronchitis, Hyperacidity, Anaemia, and Diabetes. Due to its cold potency, it is used in Pitta vikaras and reduces the burning sensation. It promotes strength, intellectual power and has antimicrobial properties.


Lavanga: Clove is a precious spice with a strong aroma, cold and pungent flavour. The Antimicrobial, Antiviral, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, and cleansing properties of Clove purify the body, augmenting our resistance to diseases. Moreover, they showed analgesic, aphrodisiac, and antipyretic activities too.

Shudh Kupilu: Kupilu is considered a stimulant tonic for the functioning and strengthening of nervous tissues. It is extremely helpful in increasing appetite and cures Indigestion. Owing to the nervine properties, it is used in the treatment of various Neurological disorders. Kupilu also acts as an aphrodisiac.


1 capsule morning and evening with milk or as directed by the physician


+91 93 060 44 939
Customer Care Manager
Dharamvir Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
125, Hansa Park, Derabassi


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