Ayurvedic Antibiotic


(1 customer review)


Beneficial in Skin diseases such as Eczema, Acne and other skin lesions. 

For healing in case of open wounds, Kshar Sutra therapy and other skin lesions.

Aids Wound healing, Cleanses wounds, sloughs off dead tissue, and promotes blood circulation and growth of healthy tissue.

Effective in the management of Septic Wounds, Chronic Wounds on Skin, Herpes, Fistula, Piles, Gout and so on.

Cures Chronic Cold, Coryza, Tonsillitis and Influenza,

Prevents Viral Infections and Seasonal Allergies

75 in stock


RM is formulated with the finest quality of herbs and mineral preparation to provide relief from chronic skin diseases, Septic and chronic Wounds  It is a potent and safe Ayurvedic formula that accelerates healing and ensures restoring and reinforcing the body’s healing mechanism.

RM is an effective antimicrobial that prevents microbial replication and the growth of microorganisms.


Haritaki: Haritaki is a rejuvenating herb with healing properties. The anti-bacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects in Haritaki destroy microorganisms, treat chronic wounds and aid healing. It serves as an astringent and serves as a remedy in  Chronic Cold, Coryza, Tonsillitis, Influenza and other seasonal allergies.

Vibhitaki: Vibhitaki is a wondrous herb that cleanses and heals skin lesions, wounds, ulcers and promotes healing. Vibhitaki exhibits antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties that ward off infections and protect the body from diseases.

Amalaki: Amalaki is one of the best rejuvenating and nourishing herbs. Excellent results of Amalaki are seen in treating chronic skin lesions, wounds, debris, cold, flu, and other respiratory ailments. Amalaki is bestowed with properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties that fight viral infections and allergies.

Rasa Manikya: Rasamanikya is a classical Ayurveda preparation with healing properties. It is beneficial in chronic skin diseases, wounds, skin lesions and eczema.

Vanga Bhasma: Vanga bhasma is useful in non-healing chronic wounds and destroys almost all types of diseases. Vanga bhasma improves strength, body mass and provides nourishment to all tissues.

Praval Bhasma: The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in Praval bhasma prevent infections, aid wound healing and are effective in treating cough, cold and other chronic respiratory diseases. It is useful in treating bleeding piles, wounds or skin lesions as it regulates the blood flow and helps in soothing pain and inflammation.

Godanti Bhasma: Godanti bhasma is an ayurvedic mineral-based preparation from gypsum. It alleviates pain and inflammation and is effective in various conditions like Tonsilitis, Fistula, Piles and Gout. It is helpful in long-lingering and chronic diseases that need healing.

Satva Giloy: Giloy satva is a rejuvenator and effective in Burning sensation. Giloy satva has anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving attributes that are used to relieve pain in wounds, Herpes zoster, Gout, Piles and so on.


1-2 Capsules morning and evening or as advised by the physician.


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+91 93 060 44 939
Customer Care Manager
Dharamvir Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
125, Hansa Park, Derabassi

1 review for RM

  1. Bindu sunil

    Very interesting

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